June 19, 2008

Can't Go On

Can't Go On, is a song by a group I'm not crazy about...Group 1 Crew. But I love this song. This song is about not being able to live life without the love of Christ, how we dont want to face the world alone. And who could live without Christ's love, or go through the hustle and bustle of the world without God's help everday. I don't know how lost people go through the hectic problems we have without a stable, honest, and faithful shoulder to cry on. But God is so much more than a crying shoulder to us, He not only comforts us, but He helps us out of our troubles. He gives us advice, and provides a way out. We need to make sure that we are relying on God's love everyday, because if we dont we will try to fill the gap with something else. And nothing should take the place of Christ.

June 6, 2008

Summer Vacation

Summer vacation will be fun, happy, and sad this year for me. I am really happy school is out. I don't have to worry about teachers, homework, or projects for two and a half months. But this summer is the first summer I will have to get a job...if I can find one where I dont have to work on Sundays. (Please pray that God will help me find a job where I can have Sundays off for church, and an atmosphere that isn't filled with trash.)

Also this is the first summer I will not be going to children's camp, which is like a major bummer. I have gone to kids' camp every year since I began going as a camper, about 8 or 9 years ago. The past three years though I was a worker, eithere helping out in the kitchen, with bigger cabins, or with the crafts. I will really miss going this year. Make sure you are praying for their safety on Monday morning when they leave and on Friday afternoon when they head back.